I started with shoulder exercises. I was happy to be back at the weight where I started the first night. However, since I wanted to work more parts of my body, I kept the routine to two sets. After working shoulders I did a little bicep and tricep work to try to loosen those muscles. It worked a bit. They did tighten up last night, but they feel better today. I attribute the recovery to the work last night.
After working my shoulders and arms I moved onto legs. I have altered the leg workout that the trainer has suggested. I've gone back to the method I used when training for skiing. That is, for leg extensions and curls I work one leg at a time for two sets of 15. However, the work is done slowly, as follows: Raise the weight quickly, then lower to a count of 5. Don't let the weight get to the bottom before raising it again. Repeat 10-15 times for each leg. That's one set. The third set is done regular speed with both legs at a higher weight. This gives a nice burn. :) I finished legs with some lunges and calf raises with 10 pound weights (no wall sits today as time was getting to be a factor).
The session ended with abdominal exercises. Incline situps (no weight) and machine crunches (two sets). It's a little strange, I can really feel my abs hurting while working them, but they feel fine otherwise. Normally I am able to feel them outside of the gym as well. I'm thinking this may be attributed to the amount of work that their getting.
Summary is, I'm starting to feel good about this working out thing. However, I am still far off from it being an integral part of my daily routine. That is, I still have to talk myself into going. As opposed to just automatically thinking, "Oh, it's time to go to the gym."
Next week, chest and back. Should be interesting. :P
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