Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday 8/23

The child care dilema continued today. It was partially the difficulty of getting the kids up and dressed, then taking them over to the gym. However, I think it was more the $3 per child that it would cost once we got there. Whichever it was, we almost missed the opportunity to work out today because of it. This is where the proximity of the gym came in handy. We decided that we would each take a turn going to the gym while the other stayed home with the kids. That worked out great.
Zlatka drove the car over and got a good workout in. Then, when she came back, I was ready to go. I jogged over to the gym. Once there I got on the oliptical trainer for what was supposed to be 5 minutes. It ended up turning into 12-1/2 minutes because there was an interesting story on ESPN that I was watching. The tredmills/elipticals there all have personal TVs mounted on them. So, that's ok, a little extra cardio never hurt anyone. I combined a shoulders and legs workout and rounded it off with a little abs. On the walk home I mixed in a few sprints, just to make it eventful.
Then, the best part of the compromise was waiting for me when I got home. While I was gone, Zlatka had been preparing lunch. Whole wheat pasta and ice tea. That was a good start to the day. ... BTW, soreness is all gone now (at least until Tuesday when we meet with the trainer again).

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